
Davide Di Staso

Game Designer, Developer, User Tester, MSc in Public Sector Innovation and eGovernance

I am a PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at TU Delft, The Netherlands. I am currently researching game-making as a process of inquiry into societal issues. I organise workshops with students and guide them to produce a working video game in just one day. The games produced by students are serious games which express social problems that are close to them. I have advanced knowledge of the Godot game engine and of Construct 3.

As a Master’s student, I developed an online multiplayer serious game for civil servants on the topic of open data, which I used for research. The game is called Data Belt and is inspired by the in-person game Winning Data, by Fernando Kleiman. I had my BSc in Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Luiss Guido Carli in Rome; my MSc in Public Sector Innovation and eGovernance at the universities of KU Leuven, WWU Muenster and TalTech.