
Winning Data

Four player in-person role-playing game about open data

One of the main barriers to get governments to be opened for public participation and transparency is the behaviour of civil servants that are unused to making their work public. With many fair reasons, such as privacy and security, a game can be used to get this workers to experience the benefits and learn about the real risks of opening governments. Winning Data RPG Version is a simulation role playing game set in a public office that delivers services to citizens. Each team composed by one main player that needs to make the deliveries in time, and other 4 players supporting his activities/demanding services. The game is organized in rounds with a pre-defined sequence of demands that will vary depending on the players options during the game. Each service delivered generates a dataset with the information of that governmental action. In between rounds, these datasets needs to be labelled in order to open access to the population or to have its data processed or closed in order to avoid security and privacy crisis in the office. The RPG version is built to simulate one working-week with 5 days (rounds) plus a starting tutorial round. The players answer to a short survey before and after the game is played.